Fall Into Feng Shui

Nat N. Ph.D.
8 min readOct 10, 2020


Color, plants, placement of chairs. It’s all covered in the art of Feng Shui. Image courtesy of Stefan Tan via Unsplash

It’s been a long year. One that none of us will soon forget. If you’re like me, this could be the most prolonged time you’ve ever spent within the walls of your own home. The days may feel longer (or shorter) and your mind is probably having a hard time focusing and staying positive but I’ve found a way to push positive vibes into my living space. And I’ve been doing it for years.



Nat N. Ph.D.

Founder of MySoulrenity.com, Human Behavior Expert, Empowerment Speaker, Conscious Coach, + intuition fiend. Nerdy, ever- curious cosmic woman.